Career Development

The Result Of Our Career Development

Get 3X Interviews

3X Offers

$30,000 - $80,000 Increased Compensation

$150k - $400k increased value of your next 5 years.

A stress free way to your dream career

Land your dream job in lesser time
How Do We Get You 3X Interviews?

Direct Referrals at top tech companies
Leverage our network of mentors, alumni and community spanning 50+ Top-Tech companie.

Profile Optimization
ATS perfect resume
SEO Optimized LinkedIn profile
Help you Participate in Reputable coding contests
Real live projects to add to your profile

Proprietary tools to get you 5X Interviews and 3X jobs
Mass automation Tools built by us to get you more interviews suited for your profile
Why You Need To Maximize Your Interviews?
200 Applications get you 10 Interviews and 1 job offer

The Effect of 3X Interviews

How Do We Help You Convert Interview into Amazing Offers.

Be a 100% Prepared
Our course is designed to fully prepare you for your technical interviews.

Behavioural Coaching
Get behavioural coaching for experts mentors & recruiters.

Smart Interview Scheduling
We schedule interviews in the right sequence to maximize offers & compensations.

Company specific mock interviews
When you get interviews, you can multiple mock interviewers from this company designated mock interviewers.

Action plans for upcoming interviews
Mentors design action plans to tailor your last mile interview preparation.

Salary Negotiation Help
Get behavioural coaching for experts mentors & recruiters.